Help Us Rebuild Lives


Providing Relief, Rebuilding Lives

Using our extensive network of friends built for almost a decade, we send life saving relief and  supplies to the hardest hit areas of Ukraine. We also help the most vulnerable who have been displaced, disabled, or emotionally wounded by providing temporary shelter and food, help to overcome emotional and mental and physical challenges, and aid in helping survivors to self-sufficiency and emotional resiliency.

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Volunteer Hours Served

pounds of supplies delivered since the war began

Mission Statement

Beginning in April of 2017, the original mission of Ukraine Unlimited was to help friends, especially women, in Ukraine find buyers for their cottage-industry hand-made items and other Ukrainian products, so they could earn money to supplement their family incomes in Ukraine’s difficult economy. This part of the mission will continue where possible in the current circumstances.

When the war began in February 2022, Ukraine Unlimited’s mission changed to taking donations to help individuals and families get out of dangerous areas during the bombing of their neighborhoods and cities to safe places.

Now that phase is slowing. Our new focus is to continue to help these families and refugees who have been displaced as they struggle to cope in their new temporary and fluid situations, so that the Ukrainian people can preserve and sustain the lives of their families.

Ukraine Unlimited endeavors to use our vast network of Ukrainian friends and family to get real-time updates and information of the immediate needs of individuals, families, women, children, elderly and even some hospitals, frontline medics and military personnel. We are meeting those needs of food, medicines, medical supplies and many other things with the generous donations of individuals desperate to know how and what to do to help these people in this horrible crisis.

Together we can help the Ukrainian people survive this war and eventually return to rebuild their lives, their homes and their cities and to, in the end, preserve their nation’s culture and heritage.

Our Vision

unlimited relief

We want to continue and grow our efforts to provide relief for the specific populations our Ukrainian friends know need it most. 

unlimited hope

We want to offer hope and comfort to those hit hardest through relief and rehabilitation.

unlimited potential

We want to empower Ukrainians with resources to become self-sufficient and emotionally resilient.

Your Donation Goes to the Heart of the Conflict

we have boots on the ground in ukraine who need your help to get RELIEF AND REHABILITATION TO THOSE DISPLACED OR DISABLED BY THE WAR.

Sign Up for Updates

A single thread from everyone will clothe the needy.

- Ukrainian Proverb

Get In Touch

PHONE 214.769.7280